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Event Structure

The MAM 2021 event will occur over 3 days:

  • Workshop: October 25, 2021

  • Conference: October 26-27, 2021


The MAM-2021 event will start with a one-day workshop dedicated to biochips, bio-sensors, and bio-actuators technology. The main program, taking place on 26-27 October, 2021 will include invited talks, contributed works, and contributed posters, presented live.


The safety and well-being of our community is of utmost importance.

Given the travel and other pending local and global restrictions, the organizing committee has decided to keep the option of having the MAM 2021 conference in virtual mode.


In case we receive permission to conduct the conference “in real life”, and assuming travel restrictions are lifted, we will try to switch to a hybrid model. Local attendees and attendees who are allowed to travel will be physically in the conference room while other attendees will attend the conference virtually.


This will be announced no later than 2 months before the beginning of the conference.
The final program and modalities will be soon detailed and posted on this website.


We would like to thank our sponsors for their full support, and we thank you for your understanding.

MAM 2021




Contact Us

30th Materials for Advanced Metallization 2021

Workshop: 25 Oct, 2021

Conference: 26-27 Oct, 2021

Tel Aviv University

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